Higher Education

2010-4-26 11:39:00 From: cri.cn

In China, higher education is divided into several levels: junior college, undergraduate, masters, doctorate, etc. Higher education schools are also divided into university and college, higher vocational schools, radio and TV schools and higher schools for adults, to name a few.

Higher education in China has a history dating back many centuries.  Currently, there are about 3,000 higher schools - two thirds of them are public, one third are private. As many as 20 million students are enrolled each term and the rate of enrollment of this age group is above the 17%.

In order to enter a higher school, students must pass an entrance examination. Universities and colleges select students based on their grades and motivation. The examination paper is administered by the Ministry of Education P.R.C. or the Office of Education in each province. They also determine the base line for the selection.

Some of the most highly regarded Chinese higher schools are public. Many of them have international reputations. Students who fail their grades in the public higher schools, but who still want advanced studies have another option. They can choose to enter a private higher school, radio and TV school, or higher school for adults.

Recently, the Ministry of Education P.R.C. has begun to encourage the development of higher education. As a result, public universities and colleges have substantially increased their enrollments and the government hopes to increase these levels further by 2010.


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